Rebellions: From High Frequency Trading to AI Acceleration
Hello you fine Internet folks,
At Supercomputing 2024 we stopped by the Rebellions Booth. Rebellions is a Korean startup that originally focused on the High Frequency Trading (HFT) sector and now is transitioning to the AI sector with their second and third generation products.
Rebellions’ first SoC was called the ION which was designed for the HFT market. But with their second generation SoC, ATOM, Rebellions is targeting the AI market.
Their largest card, the RBLN-CA25 (ATOM Max), has 4 ATOM chips each of which has 32 teraflops of FP16, 128 TOPS of INT8, and 256 TOPS of INT4 compute for a total of 128 teraflops of FP16, 512 TOPS of INT8, and 1024 TOPS of INT4 per 350 watt card.
To feed this compute each of the ATOM chips has 16GB of GDDR6 running at 16Gbps on a 128b bus for a total bandwidth of 256GB/s per ATOM chip for a total of 64GB of GDDR6 and 1024GB/s of memory bandwidth per card.
At the lower end of the power spectrum, you have the RBLN-CA21 and RBLN-CA22 each of which has a single ATOM chip with the difference being that the RBLN-CA21 has a max TDP of under 75 watts so no external power connector is needed. The RBLN-CA22 has a TDP of up to 90 watts which does require an external power connector.

For their third generation of SoC, Rebellions is moving to HBM3e for its memory system. The REBEL chip will be equipped with 4 36GB HBM3e stacks running at 9.6GT/s for a total HBM capacity of 144GB and 4.8TB/s of memory bandwidth.
Hope y’all enjoy!
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